School is going great for the girls. They are both doing really well and so far they like to go. AM kindergarten is a little much for Kayla some days, but I let her have down time after and then she's ok. I had conferences with both of their teachers and was so pleased. Here's them on their first day of school and second day, Kayla's first bus ride to school. I just can't believe Hailey's in second grade already and Kayla riding the bus was hard for me, but Trent laughed when I cried so it was kind of funny!
This is at the cemetary across the street. I like to take the kids there for some reason
. I love this cemetary and always have. It's the first place Sean and I kissed actually. Strange to most people but not for us. It's peaceful there. Trent was a crazy monkey, running all over and climbing on every gravestone he could. The girls wanted to find people with names that they knew, not too many of those since it's a very old cemetary.
Then we come to our Halloween costumes. Mom had just finished all their costumes. So we tried them on! How cute are they?!
Then we come to our Halloween costumes. Mom had just finished all their costumes. So we tried them on! How cute are they?!
Dorothy, Toto and the Lion! I dressed as the scarecrow, but don't have any good pictures of all of us. Sean has been working 7 days a week leaving early in the morning and getting home just in time for dinner. He got here in time to throw food at him then go trick-or-treating. We went around the green with Kayla's friend and family. We were hoping to meet up with Hailey's friends but we pasted them on our way home. 6:30 just came too early for them, sucky! We had fun though. And Trent fell asleep in his stroller on the way home, he never does that, but it was a very busy day. I made three different kinds of supercute cookies for both the girls classes. I'm Kayla's room mom, so I had to be there for 9:30, set up, help with the party, and clean and only one other parent helped me clean up! One mom actually came late, brought more cookies and other stuff we didn't need, then was the first to leave. People like that irke me. When she called I asked her to help with one of the other holiday parties because we already had six parents coming! I guess that was not a good answer for "I have a name well known in Lebanon". That felt good to complain. So then I came home at 11:30 and had to be back by 1:40 for Hailey's parade and party. Then home to make dinner and breath then trick-or-treat from 6:30-8:15.
That's it for now. My computer gave me a hard time when trying to upload pictures. I got it to work this time. We'll see. I'm going to try to blog once a week from now on. I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I do.
Carrie, I love the pictures! Thanks for posting. It's so fun for us to see what you've been up to and read about your life. Love you tons and wish we could visit more often.
P.S. We're looking forward to weekly posts! Some belly shots soon I hope!
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