Friday, March 13, 2009

my pretty kitchen, growing belly and new ring!

So, we painted the cabinets as shown in an older post. Now here are the counters. We also added a breakfast counter. I love love love it! It is so much more me and it just feels so good. Oh, the sink is granite and black and my new facet is so pretty and it has a built in soap dispenser! It was too shiny and bright to take a picture of it. Next up we have my big old belly. I made Sean take this for me last night so I'd have a belly shot. 34 weeks and 5 days! How very super exciting that Chase Cooper Goins will be here soon. You like the middle name? And my new ring! It is beautiful! I loved my original ring, but when you get engaged at 18, you lack the money and options of older people who wait. Now I have a very grown up very large ring that Sean just picked up today! I asked him if we could renew our vows with just the kids in Myrtle Beach so we'll see. Maybe in a few years. But, I love it! The kids are doing very well. Hailey has been doing karate and will be a yellow belt in a few weeks. Kayla finally decided to join something, ANYTHING and wants to do gymnastics. We're on a waiting list, go figure, but should start in 2 weeks. And Trent is finally calming almost. He's been super cuddly lately and although he is driving me crazy, I think it's more my hormones than him. He's happy when he's busy especially outside which is where he is now with Sean, Hailey, Kayla, Jada and Maggie. I love day light savings for that reason alone. I only have a few weeks till the new baby comes and I'm so excited. They want to induce labor at 39 weeks because of my rapid labors, but I'm still not sure. I kind of want my last one to go on his own terms, but I'm sure in 4 weeks I'll be screaming to take him out. I am really enjoying this pregnancy though. If I knew the fourth one would be so good I would have done it a long time ago!! Just kidding! So that is my life at the moment.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Kayla the American Idol

Kayla loves to make up songs for us.

Then Sean is being Paula, the other guy aka Randy and Simon for her critic. Then a little BRIAN Seacrest. It was so cute! Make sure you watch the end, cause Trent makes his singing debut.