Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Boston Baby!

So on Monday we took a trip to Boston with Kurt for the day. It was beautiful out. I've never ventured to Boston before so it was a whole new adventure for us. The kids ate ice cream and had smoothies at Quincy Market. And they got tattoos that last for two weeks as you see here. The shoes Trent is wearing are the new squeaky shoes I wrote about in the last post.
The kids were so good walking around for 6 hours. We brought a picnic lunch and sat by the water on the stone bench in one of the pictures. Before we left, we stopped and picked up Dunny's shown here. It was so fun. We really like Boston. Only one bum and one crazy guy preaching at a park. Next adventure is RI to the Flying Caroseul. I can't wait.

We would like to thank Kurt for going on adventures with us just about every week. We are just starting to experience the world and love going with him. Trent even laid down with him at the park!! Sean was a little jealous. And I have to say, Trent finally made it through a long car ride without crying!!!! GO BIGYN!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Park!

So this is the park in Colchester. We went at 9:30, played, went on
the splash pad, played, had lunch, played, Trent took a nap,
played, went on the splash pad.
Then we went and got Grampa Bob and got ice cream. Then Mystic Village to walk around and got Trent Try some shoes.
They are the cutest shoes and he actually likes them! They squeak!

We then came home and changed to have dinner with Sean's family
and the kids were awesome! Sean's Grandfather was visiting from Florida for the week and it was his birthday. Very busy day, but well worth every second. My kids are great!!!!!!!! Tune in again soon for the day trip to Boston photos!!!!!

Air Museum

A few weeks ago, the Air Museum had an Air and Space day along with the National Guard. Admission was free (our favorite price) and they had a shuttle service to the different events in the area. The girls got to make water rockets and shoot them off at the museum. We also went and made buttons and necklaces, got the girls faces painted and saw airplanes and helicopters. The airport is Sean's favorite place to go. So he was in his glory and we all had fun. This last picture is of us all dirty messing around after our hot and busy day. We had a lot of fun!

Monday, July 7, 2008

dad's birthday and mud pies

I'm all dirty!

My pretty babies playing in the mud!

Look Momma I got rocks and mud!

Kayla put her face in the water!

Hailey's in full force with the boys!

Happy Birthday Dad!

Trent's learning to skateboard young!

Summer time

Hailey received 10 patches and 3 pins, plus 3 prizes from Girl Scouts.

Mansfield Hollow Dam

We went with Kurt and he took these pictures. It' so pretty there.