Spring has finally arrived and it is above 60!! We went to the park today and have been outside quite a bit. We are going to DC next Thursday through Monday and I cannot wait to get away for a few days. Check Trent out here with his new teeth. The top picture is the girls helping with the St. Pattys day cupcakes! Yummy.
This was a few weeks ago but wow how cute is he. He is getting into everything, and he tried to climb Hailey's dresser this morning, at eight months! He has been standing and moving along furniture for a month now and is crazy explorer baby. He's so happy I just love it.
The other picture is from Easter at Moms house. The kids are all huge! Mom picked out the girls dresses, and they look so pretty.
Hailey wrote me a note that said I was fat and she hated me. Nice. She is mini-me, scary! She's been sucking up to me ever sense saying how pretty I am. The joys of parenthood huh. They are doing really well and Kayla just grew a few inches. Her pants were showing off her ankles so it's time to move up a size again. She is so tall for a four year old. Well, Trent is driving Kayla crazy right now and I need to go outside and play in this 66 degree weather! Bye. And Kim, can't wait to go to the Statue of Liberty with you guys! The hotel there is a little out of price range, so we'll meet up with you on that Friday.